Seraph Symbol for Newsletter

   Seraphim Blueprint
   Spring Newsletter

Dear {*{{{request.stUser.firstName}}~*~}*}

     As you might know, we were thinking about a Seraphim Blueprint conference in Israel next year.  However, the Seraph changed his mind regarding the destination.  We are now discussing not only moving the conference to Thailand, but also considering doing a Teacher-Training Course in Bangkok!  I have already spoken with the Thai teachers, and we are planning a mid-January 2024 festival in Thailand. It is still dependent upon our freedom to travel without vaccine passports. We will keep you posted. If you live outside of Thailand and wish to attend this festival, please email me now to let me know of your interest. 

      The Galaxy Course that I recently taught was attended by over 270 people.  It was the largest group that I have facilitated to date. Although it was not recorded, if you wish to know what happened in the course, please ask friends who attended, and maybe they will also share the bibliography that I sent out to them.  There are now several new developments coming out of that experience. In response to future potential catastrophes, both natural and manmade, discussed in the last session, the Seraph has initiated a galactic standing committee with the following mission: 

     "Guided by the Seraph, and in harmony with the Solar Logos, Gaia, and the Galaxy, we intend to prevent predicted catastrophes by co-creating the best future for our planet."

     We foresee this taking the form of Seraphim Blueprint groups around the world, possibly led by individuals that we train to conduct special meditations, yet to be determined. As soon as we have a protocol, we will let you know, probably by the next newsletter, but maybe sooner.

       Also, when discussing the Covid debacle, I reminded everyone that the Seraph told us two years ago that the Covid shots were dangerous, and then one of the students asked if the Seraph would create a healing course for those injured by the shots.  So, afterward I asked the Seraph, and he said "Yes".  So we have picked two Saturdays in April (the 16th & the 23rd) for the Zoom course titled "Covid Recovery Course".  The Seraph requested that we limit the size of this course to 24, in order to give those attending more individual attention.  Although this course is not up yet on the Worldwide Calendar page of the website, please keep checking back to see when you can register for this course if you have been injured by either Covid, or the mRNA shots. While we cannot promise a healing, we do have a testimonial from one of the Galaxy Course attendees who claims that her Covid-related brain fog is gone.  See accompanying testimonial. 

        American Teacher-Training will occur from May 8th to May 11th, and include the first four Levels of the system. As I write this, the U.S. government still requires vaccination to enter this country.  The Seraph does not want you to travel here under those circumstances, and thus this course is for American students only. 

       If you wish to contribute a short story for the Seraphic Prize this year, and you are not a native English speaker, please know that we will help you translate your short story into English for entering this contest. Please contact me soon with your intentions to enter the contest.  Details below. 

       To strengthen your connection to Source, it is always a good idea to repeat any Seraphim Blueprint classes that you especially enjoyed, as the energy overlays are not only enjoyable, but may lead to becoming enlightened. 

       The audio version of the Seraphim Blueprint book is available 
   Let's Put A Spring in our Steps
   Ruth Rendely, Chairperson

                      Testimonial from a Galaxy Course Participant

        "In August 2021, I gave birth to my first son and received my first mRNA shot around the same time. However, my mental health began to suffer shortly after. I felt depressed, but I couldn't determine if it was postpartum depression or not. 

Before the vaccine, I had always been a working woman with a sharp memory, but after the shot, I found that my memory and creativity had disappeared, and I was experiencing severe brain fog. I blamed this to the lack of sleep caused by breastfeeding.

Even after a year of not breastfeeding, the brain fog persisted, and my productivity and creativity remained low. I tried everything I could to find a cure, but nothing seemed to work. I was frustrated and felt like I should have recovered by then, considering I was getting 6–8 hours of sleep per night.

Then, during the Seraphic Tour of the Galaxy course, I felt an energy clearing that seemed to fix my body, and suddenly, the brain fog disappeared. For the first time in a year, I was able to see things clearly, think straight, and remember things sharply. It felt like I had a brand-new brain, and I was grateful for the experience. Thank you.-----

Thank you to you and the Seraph. I'm looking forward for your next course :)))



The 2023 Short Story Seraphic Prize

In the spring of 2024, the third Seraphic Prize will be awarded to members of the public who compose the best spiritual short story (fictional account), or non-fiction account, with the optional mention of angels, or Seraphim. Seraphim Alliance will then publish a collection of up to fifteen stories in a volume to be published in late 2024.

Individual entries are limited to 3,333 words, which is a little more than thirteen pages, of 250 words per page.

  • Seraphic Prize Awards are announced at Seraphim Blueprint Festivals. The 2024 Seraphic Prize will be awarded at the Thai Festival to be held in January 2024.
  • First prize is $1,000, plus publication
  • Second prize is $500, plus publication
  • Third-place prize is to be shared by thirteen authors whose work will appear in the volume to be published in late 2024.
  • Prizes will be awarded on the final day of the Thai Festival
  • All entries must be received by midnight December 31, 2023.

Seraphim Blueprint Book Re-translated into Japanese

(Report from Kentaro Kaneko)

We are excited to share that we have just re-translated Ruth's book,"Seraphim Blueprint," into Japanese.

The book was originally translated and published in 2010 by VOICE, Inc.
However, because Voice had no plans to reprint it, Ruth considered publishing it in a different way. After reviewing the old translation, we found many mistakes that were not Ruth's intention.
So, we decided to start from scratch and make a new Japanese translation.

We want to make it clear that this new translation does not diminish the value of the previous translation by Voice. In fact, that translation played a significant role in making Seraphim
Blueprint popular in Japan. We would like to thank Voice and their past translators for their hard work.

We focused on making the new translation more accurate to Ruth's original text. We are hopeful that this new translation will help Seraphim Blueprint continue to grow and develop in Japan.

At the moment, we are in discussions with Ruth regarding the format of publication. Once the details have been finalized, we will be sure to share them with you. Please stay informed and look forward to the release of the new translation.

Odd Couples

Seraphim Blueprint Courses


  • Seraphim Healing

  • Seraphim Sacred Geometry

  • Seraphim Manifestation

  • Seraphim Cosmic Splendor

  • Seraphim Planetary Healing

  • Seraphim Grace & Union


  • Seraphic Tour of the Solar System

  • Seraphic Tour of the Galaxy

  • Seraphim Healing Advanced

  • Guardians of Gaia

  • Co-Creation with Gaia

  • Seraphim Blueprint Fusion

  • Seraphic Light

  • Seraphim Aqua Dynamics

  • Seraphim Blueprint Teacher-Training