Seraph Symbol for Newsletter

   Seraphim Blueprint
   Winter Newsletter

Dear {*{{{request.stUser.firstName}}~*~}*}

     If you wish to understand the latest thinking about human history, I suggest that you attend my course the Seraphic Tour of the Galaxy which is now set for late February on the 19th, 25th and 26th, a three-session workshop over two weekends available to anyone who wishes to attend via Zoom, or phone, with no prerequisites, and an affordable price.  The three sessions will be taught conveniently for most time zones, starting at 10:30 am U.S. Eastern. The course discusses different theories about the history of planet Earth that we haven't learned from traditional archeologists and historians. It also contains specific initiations that deal with extraterrestrial energies. I rarely teach this course, so please take advantage of this opportunity.  Also the intellectual content of the course is constantly being updated, and there is a lot of new information to share that wasn't given out even four years ago. 

     Although we truly want to hold another international conference/festival in Israel in 2024, that will now depend upon no reissuance of vaccine passports which the globalists wish to reintroduce.  Please use Seraphic and other energies to see the world open freely to all travel with no unnecessary restrictions. I hope by the time I write the spring  newsletter, we will have more clarity around this issue.  

        American Teacher-Training will occur in May of next year, from May 8th to May 11th, and include the first four Levels of the system. As I write this, the U.S. government still requires vaccination to enter this country.  The Seraph does not want you to travel here under those circumstances.  

        It is evident these days that we are collectively going through some turbulent times on an energetic level, but there are strong rays of sunshine and clarity pushing through as well, that I believe is coming directly from Source.  This connection to Source energy will be getting stronger  this particular holiday season.  Please notice it streaming into your hearts and minds. To strengthen your connection to Source, it is always a good idea to repeat any Seraphim Blueprint classes that you especially enjoyed, as the energy overlays are not only enjoyable, but may lead to becoming enlightened. 
       The audio version of the Seraphim Blueprint book is available for holiday presents right now.  
   Let's Create a New World in the New Year!

   Ruth Rendely, Chairperson

                            Teacher Training Course, May 2023

Ruth will hold a regular Teacher Training Course (TTC) starting with Level 1 on May 8th, and finishing with Level IV on May 11th.  If interested in becoming a Teacher, and you have completed all six Levels of the Blueprint, then please email Ruth and let her know of your interest.  


The 2023 Short Story Seraphic Prize

In the spring of 2024, the second Seraphic Prize will be awarded to members of the general public who compose the best spiritual short story (fictional account), or non-fiction account, with the optional mention of angels, or Seraphim. Seraphim Alliance will then publish a collection of up to fifteen stories in a volume to be published in late 2024.

Individual entries are limited to 3,333 words, which is a little more than thirteen pages, of 250 words per page.

  • Seraphic Prize Awards are announced at  Seraphim Blueprint Festivals. The 2024 Seraphic Prize will be awarded at the Israeli Festival to be held in the spring of 2024.
  • First prize is $1,000, plus publication
  • Second prize is $500, plus publication
  • Third-place prize is to be shared by thirteen authors whose work will appear in the volume to be published in late 2024.
  • Prizes will be awarded on the final day of the Israel Festival
  • All entries must be received by midnight December 31, 2023.

Bunny Love

Seraphim Blueprint Courses


  • Seraphim Healing

  • Seraphim Sacred Geometry

  • Seraphim Manifestation

  • Seraphim Cosmic Splendor

  • Seraphim Planetary Healing

  • Seraphim Grace & Union


  • Seraphic Tour of the Solar System

  • Seraphic Tour of the Galaxy

  • Seraphim Healing Advanced

  • Guardians of Gaia

  • Co-Creation with Gaia

  • Seraphim Blueprint Fusion

  • Seraphic Light

  • Seraphim Aqua Dynamics

  • Seraphim Blueprint Teacher-Training