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Seraphim Blueprint

Spring Newsletter

Spring Image Cropped 

Dear {*{{{request.stUser.firstName}}~*~}*}

You may be receiving this newsletter for the first time, as I am trying out a  new e-mail system that is more inclusive than our former system. If you don't wish to receive quarterly newsletters like this, please choose the opt-out function at the bottom of this e-mail.

Well, spring has arrived and there are so many exciting things happening, that it is hard to know where to begin. Personally, I am entering an exhilarating time with the publication of my new book on March 21st. (See cover image below.) Although the book is already available on-line, I am hoping that you might postpone your purchase until  next Tuesday, April 28th , when I am planning to have a coordinated campaign to give the book best-seller status on I thought that with my busy April teaching schedule (Teacher-Training right now,) that I needed some breathing room to prepare for this book promotion.

The rational for buying this book as a Seraphim Blueprint practitioner or teacher, is that my new book is linked by to my first book on almost all their pages. By promoting this book the Seraphim Blueprint is becoming more visible to everyone. So, please tell your friends on Facebook about this book and the special promotional day of April 28th. If they keep their receipts and mail them to me at they will receive various prizes including:

  • A free Kindle version of my first book: Seraphim Blueprint 
  • A Free Ticket to a Teleconference with me discussing my new book and answering questions - likely to be held this May or June
  • Entry into a special drawing to stay on our 12-acre "Seraphim Hollow" property in the Blue Ridge Mountains, for a weekend of pampering. 
  • For purchasing multiple copies of my new book, you and a friend will receive discounted tickets for attendance at the first ever "Soul Miracle Workshop" (valued at $350 for one entry) based upon the principles defined in Your Multiple Souls' book.  For the purchase of 25 or more books on April 28th, you and a friend can attend the workshop gratis. For the purchase of 15 copies on that day, you and a friend can receive a 50% discount to attend. And for purchase of 10 copies of my new book, you and a friend can receive a 25% discount to attend this workshop that will involve clearing of individual problems at the soul level. 
But many of you don't need a special incentive to buy this book, but please help out with purchasing it on this special day, next Tuesday, April 28th, and please spread the word on Facebook and Twitter, etc. The link to purchase is below:
Please buy on April 28th

Your Multiple Souls Cover


Alex Brandin's Reports in from Turkey

The first highlight of this trip was the training of a new group of Level I teachers. This increases the total number of teachers in Turkey to 42. Several of the new teachers already have their first workshops lined up. They are very excited and motivated to start teaching in several new regions in Turkey.
And today we started the Seraphim Blueprint Festival in Turkey. Our first trip is from April 7th to 9th to explore the Izmir region with it's many historic sites. Our first stop today was the ancient Healing Temple Asklepion. We did meditate there and activated various Seraphim Blueprint energies. It was a profound experience. We will also visit a number of places with very old depictions of Seraphim Angels in the next days.
The Festival is continuing in Istanbul from April 10th to 12th, and in Cappadochia and Konya from April 13th to 17th. In addition to the Turkish participants, there are six students from Germany, two mericans and one Japanese attendee,making this a  truly international event.
 All my best wishes and greetings!

New Turkish Teachers 2015
Here are the nine new Turkish Teachers that Alex just trained in Istanbul



The Seraphim Guides Program 

Three Naples Florida Seraphim Blueprint teachers, Sandra McGill, Cathy Blair and Lee Shook, have created a pilot children's program for 8-10 year olds that features shades of Harry Potter. The children are going to love this new program tailored just for them.

The Seraph has assigned two new energy names for this program with one that sounds like it's from a Harry Potter story, and the other has an oriental flair. The teachers have been working to create this new and exciting program especially for young people. 

There will be two levels. The first level is about the children connecting with angelic energy, their Solar Angel and their Solar Angel's Name and learning about a protection bubble to help them if they are ever being bullied, or feeling unsafe, or even to help sleeping soundly at night. The second level is about their own power within. Tools for when they are in a stressful situation, or worried, doing homework or testing. Healing for themselves, pets and others, and of course, Mother Earth.

The most exciting news is that this program will be for all children, not just the children of Seraphim Blueprint practitioners. 

Announcement of the first class in Naples is coming soon. It may begin as early as May 16th.  If interested in more information, please contact Sandra McGill (bemagick at

Seraphim Blueprint Courses


Seraphim Healing

Seraphim Healing

Seraphim Sacred Geometry

Seraphim Manifestation

Seraphim Cosmic Splendor

Seraphim Planetary Healing

Seraphim Grace & Union

Seraphic Tour of the Solar System

Seraphic Tour of the Galaxy

Seraphim Healing Advanced

Guardians of Gaia

Seraphim Blueprint Fusion

Seraphim Blueprint Teacher Training

Ruth Rendely

Seraphim Blueprint Chairperson