
Seraphim Blueprint Summer Newsletter

Dear {*{{{request.stUser.firstName}}~*~}*}
When I was first planning the Japanese Festival three years ago, I was told by my guides that a world-wide event might prevent it from happening. So even though I was forewarned, I still thought it was worth trying. We now know the nature of the predicted worldwide disruption. Rather than cancel the Japanese Festival, we have to decided to either have a Zoom-based international festival, or a hybrid festival, with a smaller,Yokohama meeting space for Japanese attendees, combined with a Zoom event for everyone else. Even knowing about the risks, there are still some adventurous foreigners who want to travel to Japan in November for the Festival. To assess members' current thinking, we have created two similar surveys, one for possible Japanese attendees, and one for everyone else. I have created a survey for potential overseas guests to fill out to give us a better idea of foreign attendance. And Kentaro Kaneko has created a Japanese language (Nihongo) survey for possible Japanese attendees. We are awaiting more feedback from everyone.
Reminder: My Level II Seraphim Sacred Geometry Retake Course is this Saturday, June 20th. In this event there again will be a unique Seraphic healing session designed to assist us through the current global situation. I plan to elaborate more on Sacred Geometry, Ring-Pass-Not Expansion, Opener stones, the naming of the energies as an expression of Vibrational Sacred Geometry, awakening Kundalini and more. My explanations will come from personal experiences. I hope to see you there! You may register on the Worlwide Calendar of events on the official Seraphim Blueprint website: (The event will be in English only, but there will be slides with bullet points in Japanese, Turkish, Thai and German. And of course the essence is in the period of silent energy transmissions) Here is the Order Link.
Note: I will be training Level V and Level VI Teachers in late July, so if you qualify, please contact me right away. And now is the perfect time to write your first, or second, short story for the Seraphic Prize contest, which has a new deadline (see below).
It's Time to Be a Spiritual Warrior ♥ Ruth Rendely
For 25th Anniversary, Ruth Teaches Students Again
Ruth is facilitating all initiations of the six Seraphim Blueprint Levels, so that any student who has previously completed those Levels will be able to experience my teaching. Each workshop will be four hours, with a break in the middle. Each session of the first five Levels will cost $45, and Level VI will have two 3-hour sessions at a cost of $39 each. These sessions will count as repeats for potential Teachers who need that requirement to attend Teacher-Training.The following are the dates for the remaining five Levels she will teach (begining at 10 am Eastern)
Seraphim Sacred Geometry, Level II, June 20, 2020
Seraphim Manifestation, Level III, July 18, 2020
Seraphim Cosmic Splenfor, Level IV, August 15, 2020
Seraphim Planetary Healing, Level V, September 19, 2020
Seraphim Grace & Union, October 10 & 17, 2020
Alex Brandin's Unique Free Courses
SeraPlay is a series of free monthly events facilitated by Alex Brandin to offer Seraphim Blueprint group healing experiences. Some events are open to all, already initiated Seraphim Blueprint Practitioners and people who are new and curious about the energies; others have a prerequisite. Due to the broad geographic spread of our Seraphim Blueprint friends, each event is offered live twice, to accommodate people from different time zones. All events are Zoom webinars with a phone participation option. To register for any of these events, please contact Alex@InspiredAlternatives.com.
Exploring the Energy Intensifier & Multiplier Effects
Receive a group healing while experiencing the LifeForce and Harmonizing Energy at various levels of intensity and use the multiplier approach.
Prerequisite: Completion of Level I - Seraphim Healing
Option 1) Monday, June 22nd, 2020 7pm - 8:30pm Pacific Time Option 2) Saturday, June 27th, 2020 1:30pm - 3:00pm Pacific Time
Seraphim-Gaia-Pulse Event
Participate in the Seraphim-Gaia-Light-Pulse, Seraphim-Gaia-Love-Pulse & Seraphim-Gaia-Consciousness- Pulse
Prerequisite: Completion of Co-Creation with Gaia
Option 1) Sunday, July 19th, 2020 10:30am - 11:30am Pacific Time (with Turkish Translation) Option 2) Sunday, July 19th, 2020 4:30pm - 5:30pm Pacific Time (English only)
Spiritual Hygiene, Clearing & Protection
Receive a clearing & cleansing using the tools from Seraphim Aqua Dynamics to remove and eliminate undesired interferences resulting from negative thought forms, illness, environmental influences, psychic attack and energetic manipulation through Seraphic activation of the consciousness of the water inside of us. This is followed by the transferal of the Mother Divine Protective Protocol. Please have paper and pen ready, as this protocol will be communicated to you verbally. You will have to write it down yourself.
Prerequisite: Completion of Level I - Seraphim Healing
Option 1) Monday, July 20th, 2020 7pm - 8:30pm Pacific Time Option 2) Saturday, July 25th, 2020 9:30am - 11:00noon Pacific Time
Co-Creation Group Healing for you & your Spirit Team
Experience the advanced Seraphic technology from the Co-Creation with Gaia tool set. We will facilitate the cleansing and healing flushes of your personal energy meridians, to essentially optimize the infrastructure of healing. We will focus on establishing the proper all-connectedness of pathways so that energy and information can flow freely. A special energetic gift will be offered also to your personal Spirit Team members.
Prerequisite: none
Option 1) Sunday, August 23rd, 2020 10:00am - 11:00am Pacific Time Option 2) Monday, August 24th, 2020 7pm - 8:00pm Pacific Time
Intergalactic Safe-Haven Meditation Planetary Healing meditation that requires a group dynamic. Many regard this activation to be one of the most profound experiences in the entire Seraphim Blueprint. It creates a very potent mix of Seraphic and Intergalactic consciousness and energies that focus equally on the healing of all participants as well as planetary healing.
Prerequisite: Completion of Level V - Seraphim Planetary Healing
Option 1) Monday, September 21st,2020 7pm - 8:30pm Pacific Time Option 2) Saturday, September 26th, 2020 1pm - 2:30noon Pacific Time
Coming home in the Car

The 2020 Short Story Seraphic Prize
New Submission deadline: August 31, 2020
In November of 2020, the second Seraphic Prize will be awarded to members of the general public who compose the best spiritual short story (fictional account), or non-fiction account, with the optional mention of angels. Seraphim Alliance will then publish a collection of up to fifteen stories in a volume to be published in 2021.
Individual entries are limited to 3,333 words, which is a little more than thirteen pages, of 250 words per page.
Seraphim Blueprint Teacher Training - Levels 5 &6
If you have been waiting to finish your TTC training, you have an opportunity this July 21st & 23rd for Level 5, and July 28th & 30th for Level 6. If you have completed the training through Level 4, you quality, and can sign up by replying to this email.
Seraphim Blueprint Courses
Seraphic Tour of the Solar System
Seraphic Tour of the Galaxy
Seraphim Healing Advanced
Guardians of Gaia
Co-Creation with Gaia
Seraphim Blueprint Fusion
Seraphic Light
Seraphim Aqua Dynamics
Divine Biosphere
Seraphim Blueprint Teacher-Training