Seraph Symbol for Newsletter

Seraphim Blueprint
Spring Newsletter


Dear {*{{{request.stUser.firstName}}~*~}*}

    When Angels Make House Calls is selling well on Amazon.  If you liked the book, please write a review on the Amazon site. The next 2020 Seraphic Prize writer's contest is officially open, so if you feel the urge to write a short story, whether real or fictional, please let me know of your interest. The contest is open to everyone, whether they have taken Seraphim Blueprint courses or not.  See the details below.

     One upcoming event is taking precedence in my mind these days, and that is the next Teacher-Training course which is scheduled to begin on Sunday, June 16th with Level I training, and continue through Level 6 that week.  There are currently 11 participants, from Turkey, Sweden, Japan and America, and we can accommodate more should you, or someone you know, wish to apply.  Please e-mail me of your interest, as it is not too late, especially if you compteted Level VI at least two months ago, or earlier. The course will be held at my home in Western North Carolina and is open to all English speakers,and Turkish Teachers (for Levels II - VI), with Ozden Oke translating. .   

      Secondarily on my mind these days is finalizing plans for the next Seraphim Blueprint Festival in Japan and arranging tours around the one or two-day Festival. The Festival is likely to be held on November 20th - 22nd, the weekend before American Thanksgiving which is on November 26th. The main reason we are not holding the Festival in October next year is astrological - Mercury is Retrograde for most of that month until November 3rd. We are now thinking of havingKumano Temple an 8-day tour before the Festival, and a one or two-day tour, just after the Festival. Tom Rigler wishes to take people on a temple tour of Kyoto and Nara. I wish to take people to the Japan Seaside, a more rural, traditional countryside with a stay at a ryokan (Japanese inn with outdoor hot water tubs). If you haven't filled out the survey yet, please do so now, or as soon as you feel it's appropriate. Note: There will be a limited number of spaces on all tours, and tour and hotel fees will be collected way in advance, starting in January, next year. The first people to sign up and pay will be included in the tours. I will handle the tour reservations and expenses, and Miho Ohira ( will handle the weekend hotel and Festival expenses, associated with attending the Seraphim Blueprint 2020 Festival.

     Hopefully by the summer Seraphim Blueprint Newsletter I will have more details about events and tours associated with the Festival. Meanwhile register your interest by completing the following survey.

Survey for 2020 Seraphim Blueprint Festival in Japan 

       Those of you who knew our gentle Christabel will be sad to know that she left us shortly after celebrating her 15th birthday.  My husband Ron, who raised her from 7 weeks, brought her from Perth.Australia, where he lived for one year, to Sydney, and then to America. Ron has been holding up remarkably well. Today we travel to Alabama to pick up a new puppy, hoping he will be similarly wonderful. Photos in the next newsletter.

Enjoy the Spring

Ruth Rendely, Chairperson


January 4, 2004 - February 5, 2019



The 2020 Short Story Seraphic Prize

In the autumn of 2020, the second Seraphic Prize will be awarded to members of the general public who compose the best spiritual short story (fictional account), or non-fiction account, with the optional mention of angels, or Seraphim. Seraphim Alliance will then publish a collection of up to fifteen stories in a volume to be published in 2021.

Individual entries are limited to 3,333 words, which is a little more than thirteen pages, of 250 words per page.

  • Seraphic Prize Awards are announced at the Triennial Seraphim Blueprint Festivals. The 2020 Seraphic Prize will be awarded at the Tokyo Festival to be held in the autumn of that year.
  • First prize is $1,000, plus publication
  • Second prize is $500, plus publication
  • Third-place prize is to be shared by thirteen authors whose work will appear in the volume to be published in 2021.
  • Prize will be awarded on the final day of the Tokyo Festival
  • All entries must be received by midnight May 30th, 2020.


Seraphim Blueprint Aromatherapy


Seraph Space Cleanse

- This cleanse carries a personal Angel into the room when it is used for the first time, and anchors an Angelic vibration and consciousness there.

- May be used as a cleanse prior to installing a Level I Seraphim Energy Grid, or to refresh and enhance previously installed ones

- Perfect for rooms where you sleep, meditate or hold healing sessions, or to create a positive environment for conducting business.

The Seraph created the formula for both cleanses to provide another way we can connect with the Seraphim Blueprint energies. One is to uplift our auras, and the other is to maintain an angelic presence in our personal space, home and office. With just a couple of sprays you will feel a gentle lift and purification.

Seraura Aroma Cleanse

- A personal spray to be used around the body, or just the head and shoulder areas.

- The energized water vapor attracts the presence of Angelic beings and spirit guides.

- Supports, clears and protects the auric field.

- Relieves stress instantly, and opens the doorway to a blissful sensation

- A way to cool off and refresh oneself

North American orders can be placed with Cynthia K. Weatherbie at:

Order Page

Seraphim Blueprint Courses


  • Seraphim Healing
  • Seraphim Sacred Geometry
  • Seraphim Manifestation
  • Seraphim Cosmic Splendor
  • Seraphim Planetary Healing
  • Seraphim Grace & Union


  • Seraphic Tour of the Solar System
  • Seraphic Tour of the Galaxy
  • Seraphim Healing Advanced
  • Guardians of Gaia
  • Co-Creation with Gaia
  • Seraphim Blueprint Fusion
  • Seraphic Light
  • Seraphim Aqua Dynamics
  • Divine Biosphere
  • Seraphim Blueprint Teacher-Training